Infants and Toddlers
Infants 0 to 12 months
We provide a ratio of 1:3 infant to childcare providers.
Toddlers 20 months - 3 years old
We provide a ratio of 1:6 toddler to childcare providers.
Infants 13-19 months
We provide a ratio of 1:4 infant to childcare providers.
Program Planning
We utilize the Ages and Stages questionnaires to help teachers customize their programming to support each child's development. We focus on communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and personal-social areas of development. The childrens' interests guide activities that the staff incorporate into their program planning. We also encourage parents and children to share their cultural or religious traditions that they may want to have included in the programming.
Infants and Toddlers with Exceptionalities
Arrangements can be made for including children with special needs in our program. This is an area we have experience in, and have been very successful with. We use a team approach to support all children in our child care center. For more information contact our Director.